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Empire Earth: Gold Edition box cover art

Welcome to the Empire Earth Wiki!

Welcome to the newly created Empire Earth Wiki, hosted by Save-EE. This is a collaborative project to add information about Empire Earth, such as units, epochs and so on. Please feel free to dive right in and start editing -- don't worry about any "bad" changes you might make, as they can simply be fixed or reverted by another user! Even if you don't know much about EE, your contributions are still appreciated; you do not need any knowledge to say, create an article listing the types of units that can be made in Bronze Age, just a copy of the game and a desire to help. You can check out a list of the most wanted pages here.

We will be giving the top contributors to the Wiki donator status in the Save-EE Lobby. To ensure you receive donator status, make sure you have your lobby username listed in your profile page at, to do this either fill it in when you register or fill it in from the profile tab in your user control panel. Please contribute, for the good of Empire Earth!

Unsure of how to use a wiki? Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.