Cavalry Archer

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The Cavarly Archer is a Mounted Archery Unit introduced in the Middle Ages. The Cavarly Archer is upgraded from the Chariot Archer. The Cavarly Archer is useful for Killing off most Units, like Swordsmen, Pikemen, Knights, and citizens, as their speed and range make them ideal for Skirmishing (Shooting at the enemy and pulling back when they get close and attacking again once far.) Their greatest weakness is against Ballistas. Stats (Unupgraded): Health: 275 (Upgradable) Attack: 23 (Upgradable) Range: 5 (Upgradable) Speed: 16 (Upgradable) Shock Armor: 6 (Upgradable) Pierce Armor: 4 (Upgradable) Arrow Armor: 0 (Upgradable)