Kingdom of Israel

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Kingdom of Israel is one of the default civilizations in Empire Earth and AoC, listed under the Prehistoric to Dark Ages time period.

List of bonuses

Special Powers (AoC Only)

  • Emissaries (Epochs: all)

Archers - Foot

  • 20% Armor
  • 25% Hit Points
  • 20% Range

Citizens & Fishing Boats

  • 10% Build Time Decrease

Civ - Economy

  • 20% Fishing
  • 15% Iron Mining

Infantry - Sword

  • 20% Hit Points
  • 20% Speed

Religion - Priests

  • 30% Build Time Decrease
  • 20% Cost Reduction
  • 20% Hit Points

Religion - Prophets

  • 20% Hit Points
  • 20% Range

Ships - Battleships & Carriers

  • 20% Attack

Ships - Frigates & Cruisers

  • 20% Attack

Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs

  • 20% Attack

Common strategies

This civilization is rarely used, but here's some ideas:

  • Foot archers with religion back-up

Some notes:

  • Probably not very useful in ages outside of Copper
  • Weak economy, since its power units of foot archers and religion require gold, and you have an iron mining bonus